Will Sarni and Tamin Pechet write with passion and optimism about the need to integrate good water
stewardship into the heart of business. They show how an increasing number of companies recognize the
need for sustainable water use. The book shows that the path from awareness to actual change will have to go through innovation.
– Arjen Y. Hoekstra, professor in Water Management, the Netherlands,
and author of The Water Footprint of Modern Consumer Society.
This book makes a compelling case for why leaders need to better understand our relationship with
water, is brilliant in its capture of nuance in water issues around the world, and more importantly it is convincing about the phenomenal commercial opportunity for innovation and technology to contribute to a secure and sustainable future.
– Anand Shah, Founder, Sarvajal
Will Sarni and Tamin Pechet have compiled not only an important book, but also a guide for
entrepreneurs, innovators, policymakers and corporate executives. As a longtime water advocate and
author on the subject, I can safely say this breaks new ground. Will and Tamin’s quest to showcase and discuss the cutting edge tools, practices, and strategies behind the business of water is a wild success.
Water is life. And this book identifies new ways we can make it sustainable.
– Tom Kostigen, Author of The Green Blue Book, the Simple Water Savings Guide
to Everything in Your Life
Sarni and Pechet make it clear that increasingly, water could be a source of failure for companies. There is great opportunity to take an out-of-the-box approach to innovation in water that can lead a more sustainable future for our most critical resource.
– Jigar Shah